Friday 11 August 2017

Rain ( Translated into French )

Dear friends
This is the twelfth poem of mine  which has been translated into French by none other than Honourable Athanase Vantchev de Thracy, World President of Poetas del Mundo , undoubtedly one of the greatest poets of contemporary French.

Rain when it comes, it only rains
scorching heat, biting dust
parched earth sniffing life
birds chirping as they must
peeled brooks smile again
rain when it comes, it only rains.

Dying flowers breathe and blush
shying lotus blossom in slush
peacocks dance, frogs croak
dried forest getting soaked
faded leaves, unfold again
rain when it comes, it only rains.

Buds blossom into flowers
newly weds dying for showers
cupid strikes and presence is felt
hearts of human and animals getting melt
oblivious of surrounding only two remain
rain when it comes, it only rains.

Farmers laugh running to fields
praying God for bumper yield
dusty winds dare not blow
venturing children paying no heed
mercury mulls not rising again
rain when it comes, it only rains.

Rivers sing a merry song
springs wish to go along
streams dance to nature’s tune
rising lakes see nothing wrong
brownish land looks green again
rain when it comes, it only rains.

Overcast sky sieving light
far  in the west rainbow bright
puddles of pool in the street
roof top cries, oh kite, oh kite
water authorities needn’t rake the brains
rain when comes, it only rains.

Elixir for life, rain must go away
but must come in time, we always pray
without rains none will be sane
life in planet will not remain
rain when it comes, it only rains.
All rights reserved/Tribhawan Kaul

Quand la pluie tombe,
Ô merveille de la pluie !
Elle griffe la chaleur torride et mord la poussière,
La terre desséchée aspire à la vie,
On entend, comme il se doit, les gazouillis des oiseaux,
Les ruisseaux pelés sourient à nouveau,
Quand la pluie tombe,
Ô merveille de la pluie !

Les fleurs mourantes reprennent souffle et se colorent,
Le timide lotus s’épanouit dans la vase,
Les paons se mettent à danser, les grenouilles coassent,
La forêt sèche devient toute trempée,
Les feuilles fanées se redressent à nouveau,
Quand la pluie tombe,
Ô merveille de la pluie !

Les bourgeons deviennent des fleurs
Les jeunes mariés rêvent à des averses,
Cupidon frappe et sa présence se fait sentir
Les cœurs des hommes et des bêtes fusionnent
Oubliant tout ce qui les entoure,
Les amoureux se croient seuls au monde,
Quand la pluie tombe,
Ô merveille de la pluie !

Les agriculteurs rient et courent aux champs
Priant Dieu pour des récoltes abondantes,
Les vents poussiéreux n’osent pas souffler
Les enfants audacieux ne font attention à rien,
Le mercure réfléchit avant de remonter
Quand la pluie tombe,
Ô merveille de la pluie !

Les rivières chantent de joyeuses chansons,
Les sources rêvent à de longs voyages,
Les ruisseaux dansent au rythme de la nature,
Les lacs ne voient rien de mal à gonfler,
La terre brunâtre devient de nouveau verte
Quand la pluie tombe,
Ô merveille de la pluie !

Le ciel couvert tamise la lumière,
Loin à l’ouest brille un arc-en-ciel,
Des flaques profondes envahissent les rues, 
Les toits pleurent, oh mon Dieu, ô mon Dieu,
Les responsables des eaux
Ne doivent pas se faire de soucis,
Quand la pluie tombe,
Ô merveille de la pluie !

Élixir de vie, la pluie doit s’en aller,
Mais elle doit revenir en temps opportun,
Nous prions toujours pour qu’elle revienne,
Sans la pluie personne ne survivra,
La vie s’éteindra sur cette planète,
Quand la pluie tombe,
Ô merveille de la pluie !

Tribhawan Kaul

Traduit en français par Athanase Vantchev de Thracy
Translated into French by Athanase Vantchev de Thracy
Born on January 3, 1940, in Haskovo, Bulgaria, the extraordinary polyglot culture studied for seventeen years in some of the most popular universities in Europe, where he gained deep knowledge of world literature and poetry.
Athanase Vantchev de Thracy is the author of 32 collections of poetry (written in classic range and free), where he uses the whole spectrum of prosody: epic, chamber, sonnet, bukoliket, idyll, pastoral, ballads, elegies, rondon, satire, agement, epigramin, etc. epitaph. He has also published a number of monographs and doctoral thesis, The symbolism of light in the poetry of Paul Verlaine's. In Bulgarian, he wrote a study of epicurean Petroni writer, surnamed elegantiaru Petronius Arbiter, the favorite of Emperor Nero, author of the classic novel Satirikoni, and a study in Russian titled Poetics and metaphysics in the work of Dostoyevsky.

image curtsy

1 comment:

  1. Comments via fb/TL
    Baleshwar Purohit
    Breathtaking blog and thank you so much for sharing translated poem.As far as translation of this poem is concerned you have beautifully done dear friend.
    August 11 at 9:42pm
    Tribhawan Kaul
    Translation is not done by me but one of the greatest poets as mentioned therein. Thanks for going through the link and reading the poem. Happy reading. :)
    August 11 at 9:45pm
    Baleshwar Purohit
    Thank you so much for telling me and The pleasure is entirely mine as well as yours dear friend because your blog is really beautiful. Good Wishes
    August 11 at 9:53pm
    Main Hoon Ali
    Paris ki khoobsurat sham, Tribhawan Kaul ji ke naam. Congratulations sir.
    August 12 at 6:57pm
    Sandra Martyres
    Congrats great going!
    August 13 at 11:35am
    डॉ किरण मिश्रा
    A fine effort
    August 13 at 2:11pm
    Shahzia Batool Naqvi
    So freshening a poem...beautiful (y) i missed your poetry all this while due to preoccupations here.
    August 17 at 9:50pm
